Links to Gonzales Articles and Assessments
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Crimes of War Project
Open Letter from General Shalikashvili
Newsweek article that misses the mark They call the strength of the opposition "deep-seated frustration among Democrats" and "uninformative responses" "more than the policies themselves". The elephant in the room is the audacious nomination as chief law enforcement officer of an apologist for law-breaking and inhuman treatment which has done more than any other thing to feed the Iraqi insurgency.
Crimes of War Project
Open Letter from General Shalikashvili
Newsweek article that misses the mark They call the strength of the opposition "deep-seated frustration among Democrats" and "uninformative responses" "more than the policies themselves". The elephant in the room is the audacious nomination as chief law enforcement officer of an apologist for law-breaking and inhuman treatment which has done more than any other thing to feed the Iraqi insurgency.