Monday, November 01, 2004

All of the House races

There are a lot of great sites which gather information on Congressional races around the country, but the best ones split the information on many pages, often separated by state. Here I roll them all into one list.

The National Committee for an Effective Congress [Democratic] (for instance Washington State) is one great source for information on House races.

The non-partisan Politics 1 (for example New York State) was my primary source for this list, and gives more information about each Candidate with links to websites where available, and lists more 3rd party candidates as well. I've provided a link to each state's page by clicking on the state name.

CNN is probably the best place to look at these returns as they come in, and those links are provided by clicking on coverage.

Third parties are included only where one of the major parties did not field a candidate. (I guessed at the most viable candidate.) The incumbent's party is listed in the 2nd column, and the incumbent party's candidate is the left of the two names at the end. Party affiliation is given in parentheses after the candidates name only if it is not D or R. A # before the incumbent party's candidate indicates that the actual incumbent is not running, either because of retirement, or because they are running for the Senate. Louisiana's asterisks are due to their unusual system of allowing multiple candidates of the same party to run followed by run-off elections, and I'm not sure I picked the favorite. Texas's asterisks are cases where two incumbents are running against each other due to redistricting.

Values in the W-02 column, courtesy Gender Gap, show the percentage of votes that the incumbent party received in 2002. Status is an indication for any races considered competitive, the current likelihood of victory. T is Toss-Up, 1 is close lean, 2 favored, 3 strongly favored. Those without an indication presumably would go easily to the incumbent party. These values rely heavily on the statuses indicated at ActBlue, with a few adjustments based on more (Democratically) optimistic prognostications at MyDD.

Here you go:
Dist     Inc  W-02   Status Candidate    Challenger

Alabama coverage
AL-01 R 61 Bonner Belk
AL-02 R 69 Everett James
AL-03 R 50 R2 Rogers Fuller
AL-04 R 87 R3 Aderholt Cole
AL-05 D 73 Cramer Wallace
AL-06 R 90 Bachus
AL-07 D 93 D3 Davis Cameron
Alaska coverage
AK-01 R 75 Young Higgins
Arizona coverage
AZ-01 R 49 T Renzi Babbitt
AZ-02 R 59 R3 Franks Camacho
AZ-03 R 67 Shadegg Yannone (L)
AZ-04 D 67 Pastor Karg
AZ-05 R 60 R3 Hayworth Rogers
AZ-06 R 65 Flake Stritar (L)
AZ-07 D 58 Grijalva Sweeney
AZ-08 R 63 Kolbe Bacal
Arkansas coverage
AR-01 D 65 Berry Humphrey
AR-02 D 99 D3 Snyder Parks
AR-03 R 99 R3 Boozman Judy
AR-04 D 60 Ross
California coverage
CA-01 D 64 Thompson Wiesner
CA-02 R 66 Herger Johnson
CA-03 R 62 R3 # Lungren Castillo
CA-04 R 65 Doolittle Winters
CA-05 D 72 Matsui Dugas
CA-06 D 67 Woolsey Erikson
CA-07 D 71 Miller Hargrave
CA-08 D 80 Pelosi DePalma
CA-09 D 82 Lee Bermudez
CA-10 D 76 Tauscher Ketelson
CA-11 R 60 R3 Pombo McNerney
CA-12 D 68 D3 Lantos Garza
CA-13 D 71 Stark Bruno
CA-14 D 68 Eshoo Haugen
CA-15 D 66 D3 Honda Chukwu
CA-16 D 67 D3 Lofgren McNea
CA-17 D 68 Farr Risley
CA-18 D 52 Cardoza Pringle
CA-19 R 67 Radanovich Bufford
CA-20 D 64 D2 # Costa Ashburn
CA-21 R 70 Nunes Davis
CA-22 R 73 Thomas
CA-23 D 59 Capps Regan
CA-24 R 65 R3 Gallegly Wagner
CA-25 R 65 McKeon Willoughby
CA-26 R 64 R3 Dreier Matthews
CA-27 D 62 Sherman Levy
CA-28 D 71 Berman Hernandez
CA-29 D 63 Schiff Scolinos
CA-30 D 70 Waxman Elizalde
CA-31 D 81 Becerra Vega
CA-32 D 69 Solis Faegre (L)
CA-33 D 83 Watson Weber (L)
CA-34 D 74 Allard Miller
CA-35 D 78 Waters Moen
CA-36 D 61 Harman Whitehead
CA-37 D 73 Millender-McD. Van
CA-38 D 71 Napolitano
CA-39 D 55 Sanchez Escobar
CA-40 R 67 Royce Williams
CA-41 R 67 Lewis Mottahedeh (L)
CA-42 R 68 Miller Myers
CA-43 D 67 Baca Laning
CA-44 R 63 Calvert Vandenberg
CA-45 R 65 Bono Meyer
CA-46 R 62 R3 Rohrabacher Brandt
CA-47 D 61 Sanchez Coronado
CA-48 R 68 Cox Graham
CA-49 R 74 R3 Issa Byron
CA-50 R 64 R3 Cunningham Busby
CA-51 D 58 Filner Giorgino
CA-52 R 70 R3 Hunter Keliher
CA-53 D 63 D3 Davis Hunzeker
Colorado coverage
CO-01 D 67 DeGette Chicas
CO-02 D 60 Udall Hackman
CO-03 R 66 T # Walcher Salazar
CO-04 R 55 R3 Musgrave Matsunaka
CO-05 R 71 Hefley Hardee
CO-06 R 68 R3 Tancredo Conti
CO-07 R 47 R1 Beauprez Thomas
Connecticut coverage
CT-01 D 67 D3 Larson Halstead
CT-02 R 54 R1 Simmons Sullivan
CT-03 D 66 D3 DeLauro Elser
CT-04 R 64 R1 Shays Farrell
CT-05 R 54 Johnson Gerratana
Delaware coverage
DE-01 R 72 Castle Donnelly
Florida coverage
FL-01 R 75 Miller Coutu
FL-02 D 67 D2 Boyd Kilmer
FL-03 D 59 Brown Brown (I)
FL-04 R 100 Crenshaw Grayson (I)
FL-05 R 48 R3 Brown-Waite Whittel
FL-06 R 65 R3 Stearns Bruderly
FL-07 R 60 Mica
FL-08 R 65 R3 Keller Murray
FL-09 R 72 Bilirakis Pasayan (I)
FL-10 R 100 Young Derry
FL-11 D 100 Davis Johnson (L)
FL-12 R 100 R3 Putnam Hagenmaier
FL-13 R 55 R2 Harris Schneider
FL-14 R 100 # Mack Neeld
FL-15 R 63 Weldon Pristoop
FL-16 R 79 R3 Foley Fisher
FL-17 D 100 Meek Musa (SW)
FL-18 R 69 R3 Ros-Lehtinen Sheldon
FL-19 D 72 Wexler
FL-20 D 100 # Schultz Hostetter
FL-21 R 100 Diaz-Balart Gonzalez (L)
FL-22 R 60 Shaw Rorapaugh
FL-23 D 78 Hastings
FL-24 R 62 Feeney
FL-25 R 65 Diaz-Balart
Georgia coverage
GA-01 R 72 Kingston
GA-02 D 100 Bishop Eversman
GA-03 D 51 Marshall Clay
GA-04 D 77 D3 # McKinney Davis
GA-05 D 100 Lewis
GA-06 R 80 # Price Pelphrey (wi)
GA-07 R 79 Linder
GA-08 R 78 R3 # Westmoreland Delamar
GA-09 R 73 R3 Norwood Ellis
GA-10 R 100 Deal
GA-11 R 52 R2 Gingrey Crawford
GA-12 R 55 T Burns Barrow
GA-13 D 60 Scott
Hawaii coverage
HI-01 D 69 Abercrombie Tanonaka
HI-02 D SE* Case Gabbard
Idaho coverage
ID-01 R 59 Otter Preston
ID-02 R 68 Simpson Whitworth
Illinois coverage
IL-01 D 81 Rush Wardingley
IL-02 D 82 D3 Jackson Sailor (L)
IL-03 D 100 # D Lipinski Chlada
IL-04 D 80 Gutierrez Cisneros
IL-05 D 67 Emanuel Best
IL-06 R 65 R3 Hyde Cegelis
IL-07 D 83 Davis Davis-Fairman
IL-08 R 57 R1 Crane Bean
IL-09 D 70 Schakowsky Eckhardt
IL-10 R 69 R3 Kirk Goodman
IL-11 R 65 R3 Weller Renner
IL-12 D 69 Costello Zweigart
IL-13 R 70 Biggert Andersen
IL-14 R 74 R3 Hastert Zamora
IL-15 R 65 R3 Johnson Gill
IL-16 R 71 Manzullo Kutsch
IL-17 D 62 Evans Zinga
IL-18 R 100 LaHood Waterworth
IL-19 R 55 R3 Shimkus Bagwell
Indiana coverage
IN-01 D 67 Visclosky Leyva
IN-02 R 50 R2 Chocola Donnelly
IN-03 R 63 Souder Parra
IN-04 R 71 R3 Buyer Sanders
IN-05 R 72 Burton Carr
IN-06 R 64 R3 Pence Fox
IN-07 D 53 D3 Carson Horning
IN-08 R 51 R1 Hostettler Jennings
IN-09 D 51 D1 Hill Sodrel
Iowa coverage
IA-01 R 57 R2 Nussle Gluba
IA-02 R 52 R3 Leach Franker
IA-03 D 53 D2 Boswell Thompson
IA-04 R 55 R3 Latham Johnson
IA-05 R 62 R3 King Schulte
Kansas coverage
KS-01 R 91 Moran Warner (L)
KS-02 R 60 R3 Ryun Boyda
KS-03 D 50 D1 Moore Kobach
KS-04 R 61 Tiahrt Kinard
Kentucky coverage
KY-01 R 65 Whitfield Cartwright
KY-02 R 70 Lewis Smith
KY-03 R 52 R1 Northup Miller
KY-04 D 51 T # Clooney Davis
KY-05 R 78 Rogers
KY-06 D SE* D2 Chandler Buford
Louisiana coverage
LA-01 R 81 # Jindal* Armstrong*
LA-02 D 64 Jefferson Schwertz
LA-03 R 87 T # Romero* Baldone*
LA-04 R 72 McCrery
LA-05 R 50 R2 Alexander* Blakes
LA-06 R 84 Baker Craig*
LA-07 D 87 T # Mount* Thibodaux*
Maine coverage
ME-01 D 64 D3 Allen Summers
ME-02 D 52 D2 Michaud Hamel
Maryland coverage
MD-01 R 77 Gilchrest Alexakis
MD-02 D 55 D3 Ruppersberger Brooks
MD-03 D 66 Cardin Duckworth
MD-04 D 79 Wynn McKinnis
MD-05 D 70 Hoyer Jewitt
MD-06 R 66 Bartlett Bosley
MD-07 D 74 Cummings Salazar
MD-08 D 52 Hollen Floyd
Massachusetts coverage
MA-01 D 68 Olver Adam
MA-02 D 100 Neal
MA-03 D 100 McGovern Crews
MA-04 D 100 Frank Morse
MA-05 D 60 Meehan Tierney
MA-06 D 68 Tierney O'Malley
MA-07 D 100 Markey Chase
MA-08 D 100 Capuano
MA-09 D 100 Lynch
MA-10 D 69 Delahunt Jones
Michigan coverage
MI-01 D 68 Stupak Hooper
MI-02 R 70 Hoekstra Kotos
MI-03 R 70 Ehlers Hickey
MI-04 R 68 R3 Camp Huckleberry
MI-05 D 92 Kildee Kirkwood
MI-06 R 69 Upton Elliott
MI-07 R 60 R3 # Schwarz Renier
MI-08 R 68 R3 Rogers Alexander
MI-09 R 58 Knollenberg Reifman
MI-10 R 63 Miller Casey
MI-11 R 57 McCotter Truran
MI-12 D 68 Levin Shaffer
MI-13 D 92 Kilpatrick Cassell
MI-14 D 83 Conyers Pedraza
MI-15 D 72 Dingell Reamer
Minnesota coverage
MN-01 R 62 Gutknecht Pomeroy
MN-02 R 53 R2 Kline Daly
MN-03 R 72 R2 Ramstad Watts
MN-04 D 62 McCollum Bataglia
MN-05 D 67 Sabo Mathias
MN-06 R 57 R1 Kennedy Wetterling
MN-07 D 65 Peterson Sturrock
MN-08 D 69 Oberstar Groettum
Mississippi coverage
MS-01 R 71 Wicker Washer (Ref)
MS-02 D 54 D3 Thompson LeSueur
MS-03 R 64 Pickering Magee (Ref)
MS-04 D 75 D3 Taylor Lott
Missouri coverage
MO-01 D 70 Clay Farr
MO-02 R 67 Akin Weber
MO-03 D 59 D2 # Carnahan Federer
MO-04 D 67 Skelton Noland
MO-05 D 66 D2 # Cleaver Patterson
MO-06 R 63 R2 Graves Broomfield
MO-07 R 75 R3 Blunt Newberry
MO-08 R 72 Emerson Henderson
MO-09 R 68 R3 Hulshof Jacobsen
Montana coverage
MT-01 R 65 R3 Rehberg Velazquez
Nebraska coverage
NE-01 R 85 R2 # Fortenberry Connealy
NE-02 R 63 R3 Terry Thompson
NE-03 R 93 Osborne Anderson
Nevada coverage
NV-01 D 54 D3 Berkley Mickelson
NV-02 R 74 Gibbons Cochran
NV-03 R 56 R1 Porter Gallagher
New Hampshire coverage
NH-01 R 58 R2 Bradley Nadeau
NH-02 R 57 R2 Bass Hodes
New Jersey coverage
NJ-01 D 93 Andrews Hutchison
NJ-02 R 69 LoBiondo Robb
NJ-03 R 65 R3 Saxton Conaway
NJ-04 R 66 R3 Smith Vasquez
NJ-05 R 60 R3 Garrett Wolfe
NJ-06 D 67 Pallone Fernandez
NJ-07 R 58 R2 Ferguson Brozak
NJ-08 D 67 Pascrell Ajjan
NJ-09 D 70 Rothman Trawinski
NJ-10 D 84 Payne Washington (G)
NJ-11 R 72 Frelinghuysen Buell
NJ-12 D 60 D3 Holt Spadea
NJ-13 D 78 Menendez Piatkowski
New Mexico coverage
NM-01 R 55 R1 Wilson Romero
NM-02 R 56 R2 Pearce King
NM-03 D 100 Udall Tucker
New York coverage
NY-01 D 50 D1 Bishop Manger
NY-02 D 58 Israel Hoffmann
NY-03 R 72 King Mathies
NY-04 D 56 D2 McCarthy Garner
NY-05 D 93 Ackerman Graves
NY-06 D 96 Meeks
NY-07 D 73 Crowley Cinquemain
NY-08 D 74 Nadler Hort
NY-09 D 65 Weiner Cronin
NY-10 D 96 Towns Clarke
NY-11 D 86 Owens Lieberman (C/SC)
NY-12 D 95 Velazquez Rodriguez
NY-13 R 70 R3 Fossella Barbaro
NY-14 D 75 Maloney Srdanovic
NY-15 D 87 Rangel Jefferson
NY-16 D 92 Serrano Mohamed
NY-17 D 62 Engel Brennan
NY-18 D 92 Lowey Hoffman
NY-19 R 70 R3 Kelly Jalamin
NY-20 R 73 R3 Sweeney Kelly
NY-21 D 75 McNulty Redlich
NY-22 D 64 Hinchey Brenner
NY-23 R 100 McHugh Johnson
NY-24 R 71 Boehlert Miller
NY-25 R 72 Walsh Hawkins (P&J)
NY-26 R 74 R3 Reynolds Davis
NY-27 R 69 T # Naples Higgins
NY-28 D 62 Slaughter Laba
NY-29 R 73 R3 # Kuhl Barend
North Carolina coverage
NC-01 D SE* Butterfield Dority
NC-02 D 65 Etheridge Creech
NC-03 R 84 Jones Eaton
NC-04 D 61 Price Batchelor
NC-05 R 70 R2 # Foxx Harrell
NC-06 R 90 Coble Jordan
NC-07 D 71 McIntyre Plonk
NC-08 R 54 R2 Hayes Troutman
NC-09 R 72 R3 Myrick Flynn
NC-10 R 59 R3 # McHenry Fischer
NC-11 R 56 R2 Taylor Keever
NC-12 D 65 Watt Fisher
NC-13 D 55 D2 Miller Johnson
North Dakota coverage
ND-01 D 52 Pomeroy Sand
Ohio coverage
OH-01 R 65 R3 Chabot Harris
OH-02 R 74 Portman Sanders
OH-03 R 59 R3 Turner Mitakides
OH-04 R 67 R3 Oxley Konop
OH-05 R 67 R3 Gilmor Weirauch
OH-06 D 59 Strickland Murphy (?)
OH-07 R 68 R3 Hobson Anastasio
OH-08 R 71 Boehner Hardenbrook
OH-09 D 74 D3 Kaptur Kaczala
OH-10 D 74 Kucinich Herman
OH-11 D 76 Jones
OH-12 R 65 Tiberi Brown
OH-13 D 69 Brown Lucas
OH-14 R 72 R3 LaTourette Cafaro
OH-15 R 67 Pryce Brown
OH-16 R 67 R3 Regula Seemann
OH-17 D 51 D3 Ryan Cusimano
OH-18 R 100 Ney Thomas
Oklahoma coverage
OK-01 R 56 Sullivan Dodd
OK-02 D 76 D2 # Boren Smalley
OK-03 R 76 Lucas Wilson (Ind)
OK-04 R 54 Cole Bradshaw (Ind)
OK-05 R 62 Istook Smith
Oregon coverage
OR-01 D 62 D2 Wu Ameri
OR-02 R 72 R3 Walden McColgan
OR-03 D 67 D3 Blumenauer Mars
OR-04 D 64 DeFazio Feldkamp
OR-05 D 55 D2 Hooley Zupancic
Pennsylvania coverage
PA-01 D 86 Brady Williams
PA-02 D 88 Fattah Bolno
PA-03 R 78 English Porter
PA-04 R 65 Hart Drobac
PA-05 R 87 Peterson Martin (L)
PA-06 R 51 R1 Gerlach Murphy
PA-07 R 63 Weldon Scoles
PA-08 R 63 T # Fitzpatrick Schrader
PA-09 R 70 Shuster Politis
PA-10 R 93 Sherwood Hannevig (C)
PA-11 D 56 Kanjorski Brenneman (C)
PA-12 D 74 Murtha
PA-13 D 51 D1 # Schwartz Brown
PA-14 D 100 Doyle
PA-15 R 57 R1 # Dent Driscoll
PA-16 R 88 R3 Pitts Herr
PA-17 D 51 D1 Holden Paterno
PA-18 R 60 R3 Murphy Boles
PA-19 R 91 Platts Sheeder (G)
Rhode Island coverage
RI-01 D 60 Kennedy Rogers
RI-02 D 76 Langevin Barton
South Carolina coverage
SC-01 R 90 Brown Dunn (G)
SC-02 R 84 Wilson Ellisor
SC-03 R 67 Barrett
SC-04 R 69 Inglis Brown
SC-05 D 86 Spratt Spencer
SC-06 D 67 Clyburn McLeod (C)
South Dakota coverage
SD-01 D SE* D1 Herseth Diedrich
Tennessee coverage
TN-01 R 100 Jenkins Leonard
TN-02 R 79 Duncan Greene
TN-03 R 65 Wamp Wolfe
TN-04 D 52 D2 Davis Bowling
TN-05 D 64 Cooper Knapp
TN-06 D 66 Gordon Demas
TN-07 R 71 Blackburn
TN-08 D 70 Tanner Hart
TN-09 D 84 Ford Fort
Texas coverage
TX-01 D 56 T Sandlin Gohmert
TX-02 D 61 T Lampson Poe
TX-03 R 74 Johnson Vessels (L)
TX-04 R 58 R3 # Hall Nickerson
TX-05 R 58 Hensarling Bernstein
TX-06 R 71 R3 Barton Meyer
TX-07 R 89 Culberson Martinez
TX-08 R 93 Brady Wright
TX-09 D 59 D3 # Green Molina
TX-10 D 84 R3 # Sadun (wi) McCaul
TX-11 D 52 R4 # Raasch Conaway
TX-12 R 92 R3 Granger Alvarado
TX-13 R 69 Thornberry Smith (L)
TX-14 R 68 Paul
TX-15 D 100 Hinojosa Thamm
TX-16 D 100 Reyes Brigham
TX-17 D 51 D1 Edwards Wohlgemuth
TX-18 D 77 Lee Sullivan (L)
TX-19 R 92 T Neugebauer* Stenholm*
TX-20 D 100 Gonzalez Scott
TX-21 R 73 Smith Smith
TX-22 R 63 R3 DeLay Morrison
TX-23 R 51 Bonilla Sullivan
TX-24 D 65 R4 # Page Marchant
TX-25 D 55 D3 Doggett Klein
TX-26 R 75 Burgess Reyes
TX-27 D 61 Ortiz Vaden
TX-28 D 71 D3 # Cuellar Hopson
TX-29 D 95 Green Messina (L)
TX-30 D 74 Johnson Davis (L)
TX-31 R 69 Carter Porter
TX-32 R 68 T Sessions* Frost*
Utah coverage
UT-01 R 61 Bishop Thompson
UT-02 D 50 D1 Matheson Swallow
UT-03 R 67 Cannon Babka
Vermont coverage
VT-01 Ind 65 Sanders (Ind) Drown (D)
Virginia coverage
VA-01 R 96 Davis Lee (Ind)
VA-02 R 83 R2 # Drake Ashe
VA-03 D 96 D3 Scott Sears
VA-04 R 98 R3 Forbes Menefee
VA-05 R 63 R3 Goode Weed
VA-06 R 97 Goodlatte
VA-07 R 69 Cantor Blanton (G)
VA-08 D 60 D2 Moran Cheney
VA-09 D 66 D2 Boucher Triplett
VA-10 R 72 R3 Wolf Socas
VA-11 R 83 R3 Davis Longmyer
Washington coverage
WA-01 D 55 D3 Inslee Eastwood
WA-02 D 51 D2 Larson Sinclair
WA-03 D 63 D3 Baird Crowson
WA-04 R 66 R3 Hastings Matheson
WA-05 R 62 R1 # McMorris Barbieri
WA-06 D 64 D3 Dicks Cloud
WA-07 D 75 McDermott Cassady
WA-08 R 60 T # Reichert Ross
WA-09 D 58 D3 Smith Lord
West Virginia coverage
WV-01 D 100 Mollohan Parks
WV-02 R 60 R3 Capito Wells
WV-03 D 70 Rahall Snuffer
Wisconsin coverage
WI-01 R 67 Ryan Thomas
WI-02 D 66 D3 Baldwin Magnum
WI-03 D 63 Kind Schultz
WI-04 D 76 D3 # Moore Boyle
WI-05 R 86 R3 Sensenbrenner Kennedy
WI-06 R 100 Petri Hall
WI-07 D 64 D3 Obey Miles (G)
WI-08 R 73 Green LeClair
Wyoming coverage
WY-01 R 61 R3 Cubin Ladd

*SE = Current Congressperson chosen in Special Election since 2002


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